Friday 15 May 2015


Last Friday saw us taking a trip on various modes of transport, to the summit (Nearly) of Mount Pilatus.
At almost 7,000ft, Pilatus is, as our guide pointed out, not actually part of the Alps, but stands alone, away from the main range of mountains. Our first mode of transport was a bus to the town of Kriens to catch the cable car. Then it was onward and upward.
With such good weather, we were lucky enough to have some wonderful views as we got higher.
Looking back, Lake Luzern and the city itself started to come into view.
And some stunning scenery...
And it just got better...
And better. The meadows below were filled with Marsh Marigolds and the occasional sound of cow bells just made it so 'Swiss' that you couldn't have wanted anything better.
Up to the snow level and the small Klimsenhorn Chapel sitting at 6,257ft above sea level came into view. There was once a hotel here too, but that burned down in 1967.  The chapel was renovated in 2003.
At the top, the views were just breathtaking.

Enough for today.  More on our trip up (and down) Pilatus tomorrow...

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