Saturday 30 May 2015


It's that time of year, when the meadows are starting to bloom. The usual culprits are all there, with Buttercups among the prime movers.
Backed by the clouds of Cow Parsley, they always give good value.
Interspersed among the Buttercups, the rather less obvious flowers of the Ribwort Plantain (Plantago lanceolata).
On the fringes of the meadows hereabouts, the Herb Robert (Geranium robertianum) adds its pinkish-purple flowers to the scene.
Traditionally, these pretty little plants were used to treat such things as toothache and nosebleeds as well as helping to heal various wounds. So quite a useful plant to the herbalists and quacks of yesteryear.
On the subject of pink flowers, perhaps the most unusual have to be those belonging to the Ragged Robin (Lychnis flos-cuculi).
Part of the Pinks or Carnation family, the name comes from the rather ragged nature of the flowers, which look like they have been torn apart in a strong wind. Sadly, like most things in Britain, these beautiful plants have become more scarce due to 'modern farming techniques'. This means that our farmers - who would have you believe they are the guardians of the countryside - have systematically destroyed almost all of it. Thankfully, farmers have not managed to get their hands on these individuals yet!

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