Tuesday 12 May 2015


Malcolm, Pat and I, returned home yesterday from a fantastic few days in Switzerland, staying in the city of Luzern.  Arriving on Thursday evening, we got settled into our hotel, then set out for a brief stroll around the city to get our bearings.
For several day before we went, the weather forecast had been, at best, a little dreary.  So we were expecting to get wet a few times during our stay. But in the end, the forecast was completely wrong and the weather turned out to be far better than we'd dared to hope.
Strolling along the banks of Lake Luzern on our first evening, the tourist boats were coming and going and the swans were swimming about on the look-out for food from the tourists.
Some pretty spectacular views were in store for us over the few days we were there.
Also, we had a some wonderful trips planned. The first was to be on Saturday, with a trip on cable-car, Cog Railway and lake cruise taking in the summit of Mount Pilatus, seen here looking down on Luzern.
There will be many more pictures to come....as I get them sorted out!

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