Friday 22 May 2015

Home Turf

Back to more 'domestic' matters and things have been moving on a pace while I have been preoccupied with all things Swiss.
On Shipley Hill, the Bluebells are still flowering bravely, although now sadly past their best.
Despite that, when the sun comes out, they still have the ability to make you stand and stare in wonder at their beauty.
The heady scent still fills the air on a warm day.
Close by, the cherry trees are still showing some gorgeous colour too.
This large, double flowered specimen is particularly fine, but this morning's walk revealed an awful lot of petals on the ground and not so many still attached to the tree.
The Hawthorn too is is in full bloom, adding its scent to the breeze.
No doubt there will be much more of these in the days to come.

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