Tuesday 26 May 2015


The Cherry Blossom has nearly all finished now. But as a parting shot, I still have a few pictures to share.
High winds always take their toll on these lovely blossoms and on recent walks, we have found ourselves walking through what looks like confetti as the fallen petals, carpet the paths.
Hot on the heels of the Cherry blossom, comes the Cow Parsley.
Frothy white flowers which sway in the breeze fill the air with their distinctive scent.  Along the trail towards Osborne's Pond, they line the waysides.

The Hawthorn trees are in full bloom now. A quick glance at these familiar trees, might make you think they are simply another white flower. But a closer look, reveals quite a lot of colour.
Many of the flowers are flushed with pink, but many more have bright red or pink anthers.
Even when these colours are not visible, the sheer quantity of blossom on the Hawthorns, makes them well worth taking another look - and a picture or two!

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