Friday 24 April 2015

Woodland Flowers

It's all go in the woodland on Shipley Hill right now. The ground is covered with the first flush of Bluebells. Here, as we walked through 'Beggar's Walk they were just beginning to look their best.
A little further on and things just got better...
... and better.
Close to the Nottingham Lodge, a one or two Rhododendrons are in flower too. This pink beauty made a lovely contrast to the surrounding blue.
In the sunshine which was filtering through the tree canopy, they looked spectacular this morning.
On the site of the old Hall itself, a large Pieris bush was also in full bloom, eager to show off its best side.
From the same family as the Rhododendron (the Ericaceae, or Heathers), these Pieris flowers display a much closer  resemblance to the heathers to which they are related.

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