Saturday 4 April 2015

Wind in the Willows

It's fair to say that things have calmed down a lot over the last few days. Following what seemed to be a prolonged period of high winds and too much rain, we got out and about this morning for a shortish walk to Straw's Bridge, taking in Pewit Carr. At Straw's Bridge, I was struck by the appearance of some wonderful Willow flowers.
Even though it was dull and very overcast, the yellow of the stamens on these flowers seemed to glow in the gloom.
This was the only Willow we saw in flower. Things are still lagging a bit behind this year.
Further signs of Spring were seen close to 'Swan Lake'. As we were heading away from the lake towards Pewit Carr, a couple of Cowslip plants caught our eye.
In other parts, where we know they grow every year, they were still keeping very tightly budded. But here, they seemed to be fed up with waiting and were flowering despite the weather.
Perhaps Spring has sprung after all..!

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