Monday 13 April 2015


Things took a turn for the worse over the weekend, so not much was had by way of walking. However, with a new week, we have the prospects of things warming up again, so after today's enforced lethargy (having to wait in for a parcel delivery is never much fun), I thought I'd post a few pics from last week.
On our way to Straw's Bridge, we walked past a large gathering of Violets.
Judging by the colour, they seem to be misnamed, but these Sweet Violets (Viola odorata) can be either 'violet' or white in colour.
Violets were mentioned frequently by Homer and Virgil. They were used by the Athenians 'to moderate anger,' to procure sleep and 'to comfort and strengthen the heart.'
The Romans also made a wine from the flowers of the Sweet Violet and throughout history, people have made syrups and perfumes from them. The blue flowered varieties, readily impart their colour to any liquids used in the making of scents.  All very useful stuff!

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