Tuesday 21 April 2015

More Flowers

Another beautiful day today, so it was out with the flask and off for a longer walk through Shipley Park, stopping for a coffee by Mapperley Reservoir. Spring flowers are blooming everywhere. These Primroses were glorious.
There was unfortunately only one clump of these wonderful little flowers this morning.
A little further along and we got a wonderful view across the parkland, back  towards Shipley Hill. The Derbyshire Wildlife Trust were busy clearing the ground to give the wild flowers more of a chance in future years.
Back home via the hill and the garden of Nottingham lodge has a lovely flowering currant in full bloom.
The currant was made to look even more spectacular as it was growing in juxtaposition with a forsythia bush. The pink of the currant flowers and the yellow of the forsythia look good together.

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