Monday 9 February 2015

Snowdrop Time

Following a few days with not very much to mention, we took ourselves off for a  walk along Slack Lane to Mapperley Reservoir and upward to Shipley Hill. The reservoir was still half frozen, but the stiff breeze which was blowing across the water, was stirring up the surface and breaking up the ice. The bright blue sky was reflected in the water and ice.
As the ice cracked and broke, the crackling made a sort of music.
Along the footpath around the reservoir, the sunshine brought out the few colours of winter.
Up Shipley Hill and the Snowdrops were starting to appear through the leaf litter.
With the promise of many more to come, these few, pioneering flowers were delightful as they nodded in the sunshine.
There will be many more Snowdrop photos to follow during the next few weeks no doubt.

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