Friday 23 January 2015


Arriving back in Britain yesterday afternoon, Malcolm and I were left shivering following our week away in the Algarve. That said, we have not had very high temperatures in Portugal and there has been a nagging, north wind for most of the week. Nevertheless, it has been a good deal warmer than it is at home.
Our Holiday got off to a rather shaky start as the apartment we had been allocated, had no hot water and a non-functioning cooking hob.  But after some 'detailed discussion' with the manager at reception, we were given the keys to a far more luxurious villa on the site.
With that sorted out, we got down to enjoying our holiday.
We were staying at the Alfamar resort near the village of Acoteias, close to where we stayed last October, so we were familiar with the area and several walks close by.
Of course, it is Winter in Portugal too, so the weather had been a little variable and a few sharp downpours (thankfully during the night) had made their mark on this track down the beach. The sandy, crumbly cliffs and the track itself suffer terribly in the rain, but the gullies which are eroded away, don't make it very easy under foot.
That's all for now.  More to follow over the next few days as I sort my pictures out.

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