Monday 29 December 2014

Well Below

Once again, we have been told that this year has been among the warmest on record,  but this morning,  Mother Nature seemed to be trying to redress the balance a little.  We set out for our walk with the thermometer still on showing -4 degrees and a brilliant blue sky ensuring that everything in the landscape looked stunning.
Leaving our estate behind, we set out to do 'the farm walk'.  But before we made it onto the track which takes us to Head House Farm, we walked past some simply beautiful scenes.
With the sun on our backs, it didn't feel as cold as it actually was but we were having to be very careful on the slippery footpath.
On to the farm walk and along the old canal which is just to left in the next picture, hidden by the trees.
A small flock of assorted sheep were trying to find the grass at the far end of the field on the right, but they didn't seem at all perturbed by the snow, frost and cold.
Because there had been - and still was - a slight mist in the air, every surface was covered in a glistening coat of hoar frost.
More to come tomorrow....

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