Saturday 13 December 2014


The title of today's blog post was suggested by Malcolm. It came to him as we were both slipping and sliding our way back home after walking through the nearby farmland this morning. The mercury was still below minus 1 when we set out and as it was still so frosty, we decided to try a path, some of which is often too muddy to tackle in the winter. We were fortunate that the mud had frozen hard enough for us to walk on without sinking in.
Our route took us along the old West Hallam Colliery lines towards Head House Farm. Normally, the fields here are full of cattle, but this time, they were given over to sheep.
Most of the sheep seemed to be enjoying the bright sunshine as they lay on the ground or nibbled the frosty blades of grass. It all made for a beautiful, wintry picture.
Carrying on the 'picture' theme, I wondered what the same scene would look like with a little digital manipulation, to turn it into an artist's impression....
Not bad!
Time for us to turn for home and tackle those frozen puddles, leading to some impromptu and pretty good impressions of Torvill and Dean and the title of this post.

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