Wednesday 26 November 2014


What a difference a day makes.  Yesterday was bright, frosty and made you glad to be out and about, while today is mild, wet and makes you want to stay in with a bowl of soup and and a good book.
So, in the absence of any pictures this morning, I thought a couple more from yesterday would go down well. Firstly, those rather gorgeous Highland Coos in their frosty field. While 'mum' was busy nibbling, 'dad' was keeping his eye on us.
I love the air of haughtiness these creatures seem to have on their faces, as if they're looking at us and not liking what they see!
Close by, the tall, dead grasses were coated in frost and made a nice subject for the lens, especially when viewed against the blue sky.
This did however, require some scrabbling about in the tussocks on my part.
Turning for home and the sun was beginning to be obscured by some high cloud, but coupled with the still frosty conditions, it made a lovely, wintry scene.

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