Saturday 22 November 2014


As mentioned a few days ago, there seem to be fewer fungi around this year, but among the few that we have found, a couple have been worthy of note. Walking through the very wet Pewit Carr the other day, as well as the Candle Snuff Fungus, we were (well, I was) delighted to find a large clump of brown-topped fungi.
It is notoriously difficult to identify many species of fungi, but after a lot of searching online, I think it is a Clustered Brittlestem (Psathyrella multipedata).
These were growing on some decaying wood, beneath a thick layer of leaf litter, among the gloom of the woodland, so I was pleased the pictures came out so well.
A bit brighter and far more colourful was this view along the Nutbrook Trail, which includes a handsome oak tree, still clinging to some of its leaves.
And here, with a little digital manipulation...A beautiful scene!

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