Wednesday 15 October 2014


While in Vilamoura, we stayed in a small complex of apartments about 15 minutes walk from the marina. Our balcony was quiet and thanks to a couple of large Pine trees, quite shady. Several Hibiscus and Lantana shrubs provided some floral colour too.
Nearby, a rather exclusive residential area known as the Old Village was well worth a walk around. Private villas and rental properties surround a central complex of very attractive apartments with a few shops and restaurants, but it was the flowers which stood out immediately. As well as the beautifully painted buildings.
Bougainvillea seemed to climb over most of the balconies and frontages.
In the sunshine and against a blue sky, there are few plants which give such good value as Bougainvillea.
There were some fine Brugmansia bushes too (what we used to call Daturas or Angels' Trumpets).
This part of Vilamoura had been advertised as the town's most colourful area and the reality certainly lived up to the hype.
Shady courtyards and sunny house-fronts at every turn.
Just beautiful and well worth an hour or so walking around.

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