Monday 27 October 2014

6 Years Old

It was six years ago this very day, that I started this blog - where has the time gone?  Back in 2008, I was just as caught up in admiration of the autumnal colours of the area.
At this time back then, the weather was a little more sunny than it was as we walked out this morning, but the leaves were still as beautiful.
During the last 6 years, I have posted 1337 'diary' entries and plan to continue to do so, but it is nice to look back on what we were doing then.  Curiously, our walk this morning took us more or less along the same track which we took six years ago. This path took us past the Manor Flood and the Reedmaces which grow along its banks.
Bright red berries also featured back in 2008 and they were still in evidence this morning as we walked around the lakes of Straw's Bridge.
So, that's the self-indulgence out of the way for now. Here's to the next six years - who knows what we will be doing then.!

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