Friday 26 September 2014

Autumn Colour

The leaves around Shipley Park have made a good start toward their festival of autumn colour. Among the most colourful are perhaps the most surprising. When talking of autumn colour, you naturally think of the trees first of all, but this morning's walk revealed some of the best colour coming from stands of Rosebay Willowherb. Red and orange leaves contrasting with the white, downy seed heads above.
On Shipley Hill, the fine old Silver Birch which stands near to the Nottingham Lodge, was keeping a look out over the turning leaves around the fields below.
Zooming in a little closer, we got a good view of the Coppice Woodland in the distance between the trees.
At the far end of our walk, we stopped to take in the scene at Osbourne's Pond before returning home. All was fairly quiet for a change as the Coots were not fighting among themselves and from under the Oak tree, it all seemed tranquil.

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