Thursday 14 August 2014


Heading out and about across Shipley Park this morning, we were struck by the large quantity of Ragwort (Senecio jacobaea) flowers which are adorning the countryside.
These attractive, yellow-flowered plants are extremely common throughout the UK, but they are often seen as a problem weed, particularly where there are grazing animals, as they are poisonous.  The 'Weeds Act' of 1959, lists the Common Ragwort among the five most injurious weeds in Britain along with Curled and Broad-leaved Docks as well as Creeping and Spear Thistles.  Despite being 'public enemy number one', they remain one of our more common weeds and look like they're here to stay.  And when they look as good as this, why not?
The Ragwort growing around Shipley Lake, are interspersed with Great Willowherb (Epilobium hirsutum) and the yellow of the Ragwort goes rather well with the pink of the Willowherb.
From the top of the bank, one can normally see half a dozen Highland Cattle in the field, but the cattle seem to have gone this morning, leaving the field empty - but a pretty good view all the same.

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