Friday 25 July 2014


Another hot day today, so we set out to find some shade through the woodland around Mapperley Reservoir and Mapperley Wood.  Around the reservoir, the footpaths were deliciously shady and the trees were full of birds and squirrels which also seemed to be looking for some relief from the sunshine.
Some of the trees at the far end of the wood, are tall and stately.  One Pine tree in particular stretches itself skywards trying to beat its neighbours to the top of the canopy.  From this angle, you get some idea of the imposing quality of the tree.
Looking up through the canopy is always rewarding especially when you appreciate the shelter it's all giving you, from the sunshine above.
Emerging from the woodland to return home along Slack Lane, the heat was even more noticeable.  Along the lane, the Creeping Thistle plants are still flowering, but they are beginning to set seed too.  Their pink, pin-cushion flower heads are turning into soft, feathery powder-puffs of seeds.
Home to cool off under the shower and to get rid of the sun cream, so necessary in this weather.

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