Friday 4 July 2014


Malcolm and I had to go our separate ways this morning as a dental appointment kept Malcolm away from our normal walks. So I cut a solitary figure as I walked around Shipley Park and thought I would try out a couple of paths which have so far remained unexplored. The first, took me across a small (and thankfully dry) weir at the lower end of Shipley Lake and along a newly opened footpath through the woods. This diversion proved to be a wonderful idea as I stumbled across probably the highest concentration of Orchids I have ever seen.
It is difficult to do the plethora of Common Spotted and Southern Marsh Orchids justice in a photo, but these give a hint of the numbers growing along the pathway.
I have frequently mentioned these two species of orchid in previous posts and their propensity to inter-breed and produce hundreds of hybrids - making identification, somewhat tricky. But whatever species they turn out to be, they make a spectacular display.
Some of these little beauties were marked particularly well.
And some had flower spikes of an impressive size.
This is definitely a path I shall be taking again in future and one which I will introduce Malcolm to before the orchids start to fade.

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