Tuesday 1 July 2014


Yesterday found us taking our walk along the Nottingham Canal. In places, the water is covered by Duckweed and the banks are choked with reeds.  However, the Coots and Moorhens seem to be coping well with the lush growth and judging by the number of young they all have, it has been a good breeding season for them so far.
Along the banks of the canal, Meadowsweet was in full bloom, giving off a heady fragrance as the breeze wafted through the frothy, cream flower heads.
Thistles are starting to open their flowers now too.  Among the best of these are the Spear Thistles with their large, purple flower heads on top of their ferociously spiny stems and leaves.  They make a formidable display and almost defy anyone to approach them without getting a sharp stab for good measure.

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