Monday 2 June 2014


The weather this morning, turned out to be a lot better than forecast, so we took advantage of the sunshine and had a longer walk through Shipley Park, up the hill, down an around Mapperley Reservoir and returning via Slack Lane. At Mapperley Reservoir, the Yellow Water Lilies are beginning to bloom and just below the surface, thousands of tiny fish fry were seeking refuge amongst the lily stems.
The lily pads are slowly covering the water surface, giving more shelter for the fish and tadpoles.
Nearby, a family of Canada Geese were nibbling the grass on the bank.  Four delightful little goslings were being well cared for by their ever-attentive parents.
One of our main aims this morning, was to check on the Rhododendrons and Azaleas on  Shipley Hill.  Most of them have finished flowering now, but a few were still in full bloom and one or two were putting on a glorious show.
This particular Rhododendron was buzzing with bees, all making the most of the warm sunshine after all the cool, wet weather we've had.  Makes a change!

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