Friday 9 May 2014


Around Shipley Park, a profusion of pink can be found amongst the whites of hawthorn and wild cherry. On Shipley Hill, the cultivated Cherry trees are big, blousy and magnificent.
Looking up through the canopy, with the sun shining through the petals, the pink flush lends a very 'pretty-pretty' effect.
These are double flowered cherry trees which make the flowers heavy and drooping, which lends them to being viewed from below.
I have recently been looking into how to tell the difference between Rhododendrons and Azaleas. This is not quite as easy as it might seem as all Azaleas are Rhododendrons, but not all Rhododendrons are Azaleas.  It turns out that probably the best way to tell the difference, is to count the number of stamens in the flower. 5 stamens (or there-about) and it's an Azalea.  Twelve stamens or more and it's a Rhododendron. These, pink-tinged beauties growing close by the cherries above, turn out to be Rhododendrons.
As well as the pale, pink flush of colour, they also have a delicate scent which is more obvious when you get closer. Just beautiful!

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