Friday 23 May 2014


We got back home yesterday afternoon, following a few days in Newquay, Cornwall.  The forecast before we went was not at all promising and we were expecting to get soaked more than once.  But, in the end, the weather was far better than we had been expecting.  Things did look a little threatening on Monday as we sallied forth for an afternoon walk.  Looking out over the harbour, the skies were rather leaden.
Things stayed dry for us and we were impressed by the Valerian plants growing on walls and path edges. Scrambling among these, the delicate flowers of the White Ramping-fumitory (Fumaria capreolata) made a wonderful show - even in the dull weather.
Fortunately, the grey skies didn't stay too long, and we were blessed with some bright sunshine for most of our walks. Following the severe storms which battered the South-west of the UK in the Winter, we were expecting to see a bit  of damage around the area and there was certainly plenty of scaffolding cloaking some of the buildings.  In places, there was evidence of the coastline having taken the full force of the sea too. A few footpaths had been washed away completely.
In the sunshine however, the cliff-top wild flowers were making a beautiful show.  Thrift, Sea Campion and Alexanders all added to the scene. The sea was beautifully blue too.
 More tomorrow.

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