Friday 30 May 2014

Daisy, Daisy

Today, I have two different types of Daisy to sow off.  The common Daisy (Bellis perennis) is well known to all of us, from patches popping up on the lawn, to making daisy chains as a kid, they are probably the most easily recognisable of all British wild flowers.
The 'flower' consists of a disc of small yellow flowers, surrounded by a ring of ray florets which may or may not be tipped with red.  Growing around the lake at Straw's Bridge this morning, these were all white and no less attractive for that.  The name 'Daisy' is thought to have derived from a corruption of 'Day's Eye', relating to the flower's tendency to open during daylight hours and close during the night.
The second Daisy today, is a lot larger, but growing in the same area as the Common Daisy above.  The Ox-eye Daisy (Leucanthemum vulgare) is a member of the same family as the Common Daisy - the Asteraceae - and it's flower head is built to almost the same blueprint with a disc of yellow flowers surrounded by ray florets.
Growing to about 3ft tall, these are easier to photograph without the need to scuff about on the ground.
The unopened buds of Ox-eye Daisies can be marinated and used in the same way as capers.

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