Friday 16 May 2014

Across the Park

With the sun shining and the temperature soaring, we set out with the flask this morning, for a longer walk around Shipley Park, Shipley Hill, Mapperley Reservoir and the farmland beyond. Firstly, the view from Shipley Hill, looking south through the trees.
Onward, past the visitors' centre and the wild flower meadows were looking good.  Dandelion clocks aplenty, caught the sunlight and shone like diaphanous globes among the grasses.
The footpaths were lined by the feathery foliage and sprays of white flowers of the Cow Parsley.  Once again, in the sunshine, these add a bright highlight to the hedgerows.  The skies were buzzing with what seemed like thousands of flying insects - much to Malcolm's chagrin!
The other white flowers to catch the eye were those of the Hawthorn trees.  They also added their powerful scent to the breeze and proved to be popular with even more insects.
Back along the Cow Parsley-lined paths towards Mapperley Reservoir for a rest in the shade and to break out the flask for a coffee before heading home again.  All in all, a beautiful day and a lovely walk.

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