Saturday 12 April 2014


Walking around Shipley Park, you are immediately stuck by the amount of work being carried out by the Derbyshire Wildlife Trust.  Fields are being fenced off, styles are being erected and in a few places, various pieces of artwork have been installed.  These mostly take the form of wooden sculptures of hedgehogs, moles and acorns, but one piece of sculpture is rather noticeable as you pass by the field of Highland Cattle close to our estate. Appropriately enough, it is of a highland cow, but instead of being of wood, it has been crafted from steel.
The rusty-red colour and the posture - head down as if munching the grass - are reminiscent of the real thing, chewing the cud just a few yards away.  I must say, I rather like it.
More natural than the sculpture, but no less 'sculptural' in appearance are the male catkins of the Goat Willow Trees which are still in full flower at the moment.  Close to, they are stunningly delicate little flowers with bright yellow, pollen-filled anthers.
Many of the Willows have passed their best by now, but a few - like this one - are still flowering bravely and adding yet more colour to the springtime hedgerows.

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