Wednesday 9 April 2014


It is said that Gorse is in flower, somewhere in Britain every day of the year. Around these parts, the gorse bushes took a bit of a hammering during the very cold winter of a couple of years ago and it has taken them until now to really get back to their best.  This morning, as we walked along Slack Lane towards Mapperley Village, the rich, coconut scent of these bright yellow flowers wafted on the breeze as the sun warmed their petals.
Gorse (Ulex europaeus) is well known throughout Europe and is a particular favourite in the UK, forming as it does, hedges and field boundaries all over the country.  The wood of the gorse is non toxic and has been used in the past to make such things as cutlery.  It's resilience has also made it popular with makers of garden ornaments, despite its propensity to warp and twist.  But for now, it is just a welcome and fragrant indicator that Spring has arrived.
Another indicator of the season was to be found on Shipley Hill itself.  The Cherry trees are beginning to show their true colours and one in particular was showing off to the full.
All in all, a pretty good morning - and we remained dry too!

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