Tuesday 22 April 2014

Black and Blue

In the hope that I can cheer up a wet and dull day, I thought I would look at two of the best indicators of Spring to brighten things up a bit.  Firstly, the 'black' - the Blackthorn trees, laden with white blossom and the promise of the Sloes to come.
The frothy, white flowers look good while the sun is out and the sky is blue, but with this morning's rain, they have taken a bit of a bashing.
Now for the 'blue'.  Not only the skies have been blue recently, the woodland floors in these parts have started to cover themselves with blue glory.  The Bluebells are looking great.
Turning to a somewhat darker subject, TV presenter Chris Packham is currently on the island of Malta, highlighting the appalling and disgraceful murder of thousands of migrating birds.  Any bird which is unfortunate enough to pick a migration route over Malta, is taking its life in its wings as the illegal mass slaughter continues every year.  A horrible situation and one which needs to be publicised.

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