Tuesday 18 March 2014


Returning home last night, Malcolm and I have spent a sunny week in Maspalomas, Gran Canaria.  The town itself was typical of most Spanish seaside resorts with the exception of any high-rise tower-block hotels.  In the town, the most interesting point was an area of municipal park with duck-pond and manicured grass.  The pond was home to several Moorhens and Muscovy Ducks with their chicks.
One Moorhen seemed particularly keen on getting its face in every picture I took, even to the point of peering over the 'shoulder' of a duck while I was snapping the ducklings...
The pond was small, but well stocked with fish and red-eared Terrapins as well as the ducks and Moorhens.  At one end, an artificial monolith had been erected as a climbing wall and water-fall.
We only saw water dropping from the top on one occasion during the week, but it looked pretty good while it lasted, falling onto the rocks and into the reeds.
More pictures from our stay over the next few days, as I get them sorted out!

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