Monday 31 March 2014

Last of March

Well, that's another month gone and the weather continues to be pretty good - especially when compared with last year at this time.  Out and about around Shipley Lake again this morning, the early mist soon burned off and it was getting quite warm by the time returned home.  On Shipley Hill, the old hall gardens are starting to bloom, along with the rest of the countryside.  As always, among the best shrubs to be in bloom at this time, are the Pieris.
One of the larger members of the heather family, the resemblance is not immediately obvious, but on closer inspection, the flowers give away the relationship.
Always a favourite with the early-flying bees, these tiny, white bell-shaped flowers make a stunning display when seen in such profusion.
Back home and some more bell-like flowers are showing their true colours in our garden.  The Grape Hyacinths are looking particularly good right now - even more so when seen close up.
A glorious blue colour you have to agree!

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