Wednesday 26 February 2014


I have already mentioned the wonderful display of Snowdrops which are currently adorning the woods around Shipley Hill.  This morning's walk took in a lot more.  In places, they carpet the ground at the base of the trees.
In many more places, the Snowdrops clump together in smaller groups, dotted among the leaf litter.
It all looks like Spring has sprung, although we are only too aware that things could still take a turn for the worse.  If last year's weather taught us anything, it is that there is still plenty of time to be caught out and for us to be plunged into arctic conditions.  So we're taking nothing for granted yet.  Having said that, we are not the only ones feeling optimistic about the onset of Spring.  On our walk this morning, we saw no fewer than ELEVEN Buzzards circling around and displaying to each other.  Two pairs were seen soaring around Shipley Hill, a group of three buzzards circled around close to Shipley Lake and then another group of four were seen drifting around above our estate as we headed for home.  Also on Shipley Lake, a pair of Great-crested Grebes were seen displaying to each other, dancing and head-shaking, until a third Grebe came along to put a stop to all that!
In addition to the Snowdrops, the Daffodils are also now beginning to make a bit of a splash among the woodland.  Still rather few in number, they nevertheless appear with a promise of more to come.

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