Saturday 15 February 2014


Once again, the UK is being lashed by gales and yet more rain.  Luckily, around our home territory, we have escaped the worst of the dreadful conditions, but the wind has still been a cause for some concern over the last few days.  This morning, things seemed to have quietened down a little, so we set out for a brief walk before the rain started again.  It soon became clear that the wind was still a force to be reckoned with and as we arrived at our destination - the lake at Straw's Bridge - the normally placid waters looked more like the sea.
The ducks, geese and swans were being tossed around on the waves and as each powerful gust blew across the water, they all turned in unison, to face the wind while they bobbed like corks on the surface.  At least it remained dry for our walk, but we were glad to head for home once more.

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