Wednesday 5 February 2014


With much of the UK suffering with too much rain, our most local body of water seems well named.  The Manor Flood is a popular lake with the fishing fraternity as well as walkers and in some cases, their dogs.  There are lots of fish in the lake with roach, perch, chub (up to 6lb in weight) and tench reaching 8lbs.  By far the biggest fish - and the ones which attract the fishermen) are the carp, which apparently reach about 30lb.  Yesterday's rather quick walk (we had other things to do, so only an hour to spare), took us down to the side of the lake to look out across the water.
Taking pictures into the sun was tricky resulting in lots of lens flare.  But the blue sky was attractive enough to have a go and the sun, shining through the silvery seed heads of the Rosebay Willowherb looked particularly good.
Now the weather has taken another turn for the worse, it looks like we may not be getting much of a walk for a few days to come.  Hey Ho!

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