Thursday 19 December 2013

Winter Trees

Again, the weather seems to be flick-flacking between good days and bad, so following the stormy evening yesterday, we woke once more to blue skies and a beautiful, if chilly day.  Now the trees have all lost their leaves the bare branches present skeletal silhouettes against a bright, blue sky.  Here, the silver Birches and ash trees stand guard near Shipley Hill.
Those trees which line the path to Osborne's Pond, are intermingled with Holly, Ivy and wild Roses as well as the dead and decaying trunks of old trees which have either been felled deliberately or fallen victim to storms.  Old wood is so important to the well-being of the woodland as they provide food and home to millions of insects, fungi, small mammals and birds.
All rather Wintry - but lovely in the sunshine.

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