Thursday 12 December 2013


After a few nice - if misty - days, this morning was a bit of a disappointment.  The weather was best described as 'raw' with cloudy skies and a very damp feel to everything.  Definately a day for hats and scarves.  So, instead of dull photos of greyness, here are a few more of our recent walks around Mapperley Reservoir, where all was 'stillness'.
Beautiful, blue skies and golden light on the surrounding trees, made a glorious scene.  The slight mistyness hanging over the still waters of the reservoir add to the ethereal nature and a lone Tufted Duck was enjoying the view too.
Turning from the reservoir and looking from Shipley Hill, along the curve of what was once the drive from the village up to Shipley Hall, the view was lovely too.

1 comment:

  1. Winter is here now, and it looks like it will be staying for a while.
