Saturday 28 December 2013

Looking back..2

April this year, finally saw a slight upturn in the weather.  After what seemed like a very long winter, Spring eventually brought forth its blossom and the wildlife was enjoying the warmer temperatures.  Even the local Donkeys were happy..!
Malcolm and I spent some of April on the Mediterranean island of Mallorca, where the weather was even better.
When things started picking up, they all seemed to happen all at once.  As a result, May saw a floral display in our countryside which was simply stunning.  As usual, the Rhododendrons stole the show.
By June, the unpromising start was forgotten and we were enjoying the best Summer we've had in years.  It was being enjoyed by all....
Yet more tomorrow...!

1 comment:

  1. Reminds me of the great abundance we enjoy in spring and summer. I'm ready to see it again.
