Friday 22 November 2013

Reflected Glory

It seems to be the norm these days for our weather to alternate between dull days and bright days.  So, with yesterday's weather being dull, this morning, saw us venturing out for a longer walk under bright, blue skies.  We headed for Shipley Hill and Mapperley Reservoir, where the sunlight was causing the most wonderful reflections on the water.
The few Tufted Ducks which were diving along the edge of the reservoir seemed oblivious to their reflected and glorious surroundings.
Looking back from a little further away and we got a wider view of the colours.
Not only the water was wonderful to look at.  The footpath which circumnavigates the reservoir was looking equally appealing with sunlight filtering through the trees and what's left of the leaves.  A truly beautiful morning and a joy to be out and about in the sun - even if it was a bit chilly.

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