Wednesday 13 November 2013


I have often mentioned the lakes which are dotted about Shipley Park and its environs.  Most of these have at one time or other, been used as reservoirs supplying the numerous canals which were once so important to the local industry.  Some were built specifically for this purpose and it was to a couple of these we turned this morning.  Accompanied by our friend Jayne for a nice long walk in the sunshine, we set off along Slack lane to the village of Mapperley and its associated reservoir before traversing Shipley Hill towards the second of our lakes, Osborne's Pond.  The views across the lake were pretty good, as were the trees which surround it.
Our last visit to Osborne's Pond revealed a couple of Harlequin Ladybirds (Harmonia axyridis) another of those invasive species which can cause so much damage to native species.  These were soaking up a few 'rays' probably before looking for somewhere to hibernate.
The lake itself was resplendent in the autumn sunshine and what's left of the colours in the trees was being shown off to its best.
After so much dull, dreary weather lately, it has been a real treat to be able to get out and about in the sunny - if somewhat chilly - mornings.  Long may it continue.

1 comment:

  1. What we call "ladybugs" are welcome here because they eat aphids. Nice shot of it.
