Wednesday 6 November 2013

Dull Days and Dogs

Once again, the weather seems to be conspiring against us.  We have had so many dull, dreary and drizzly days lately that it it has been difficult to get much of a walk.  This morning however, we set out for a short walk around Straw's Bridge (always best when you are likely to get rained on, as there are bridges under which you can shelter).  The 'main' lake of the area is known locally as Swan Lake, but at times this can seem like a bit of a misnomer.  This morning, swans were rather few in number, but drake Mallards seemed to be everywhere.  Here, several were paying court to just one female bird, who seemed to be taking all the attention in her stride.
On a little further and we came to one of the smaller lakes, concealed as it is behind stands of trees and almost cut off from human interference, except for one small vantage point.  Whilst taking this picture, Malcolm was engaged in a battle of wills with an enormous and rather gorgeous Newfoundland dog which was determined to play with him.  As the dog weighed considerably more than Malcolm, he was keen for it not to flatten him to the ground and jump on him (can't think why), but the more he laughed and tried to keep it 'at arms length', the more of a game she thought it was.  Still, the lake was peaceful enough with it's lone Coot keeping watch on the antics on the shore.
Put the dog down Malcolm, it's time for coffee...!

1 comment:

  1. i love dogs, but not when they do that. I've had them put their front paws on my back and shoulders before when I was on the ground taking photos.
