Monday 21 October 2013


To finish with our 'holiday snaps', just a few last, general views from the Algarve.  Firstly another one of the remarkable, colourful cliffs.
One of our routes down to the beach, took us along a shady, dry river bed.  It was quiet and cool in the shade of this deep gorge.
A view eastwards along the coast took in the distant town of Quarteira and the posh harbour of Villamoura.  A rather nice bit of rainbow-coloured lens flare added a little more interest to this scene.
From the balcony, we watched as a couple of flocks of migrating White Storks passed overhead on their way to their winter grounds in Africa.
While, in the field over which we looked out, a flock of Red-legged Partridges came 'chuffing' through almost every day.  Staying frustratingly out of camera shot most of the time, I managed only one half-decent picture.
Back to the cliffs and trying to find some welcome shade on a hot day, the pines which grow there were just the thing.
And the views were very good.
Back home to the cold and wet of a British autumn..!

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