Monday 28 October 2013


Britain is recovering today, from the rather nasty storm which battered the south of the country overnight.  Luckily, despite dire warnings from the met office, the wind in our part of the midlands, was nothing like as bad as they forecast and after a few early showers, we managed to get out for a short walk after lunch.  Yesterday, during the morning, the wind began to pick up and as we walked around the nearby farmland, we came across a few creatures for whom a bit of bad weather means nothing.  Highland cattle are well known for their hardiness and a little rain and wind isn't going to worry them at all.
Certainly, this chap didn't give a jot for the breeze, even though it was ruffling his fringe and whipping his long coat around his tummy.  He wasn't even bothered by the strange chap pointing his camera at him while he was trying to get on with his lunch of grass.  What a gorgeous chap he is!

1 comment:

  1. I can't remember ever seeing one of those here. We must have them though.
