Tuesday 1 October 2013

Autumn Colour

Well, October already - soon be Christmas..!
The sunshine had left us this morning so it was a rather dull walk around Shipley Park today. The weather might not have been too bright, but the autumn colours are starting to show themselves off in the best possible way.  This small Sycamore tree in particular, was showing off very well.
Growing along the old Nutbrook Canal, close to where we have spotted a beautiful and now sadly rare, Water Vole, this Sycamore is still young, but holds its own against its older family members.
In the hedgerows which run through the woodland surrounding Mapperley reservoir, Black Bryony (Dioscorea communis) plants are losing their leaves, but this defoliation has the advantage of exposing their bright red berries to the passer-by.
Despite their juicy appearance, they are highly poisonous - as is the whole plant - so best left for the birds.

1 comment:

  1. Our trees are just starting to show good color too. Lots of color along the rivers and streams.
