Friday 6 September 2013

Walk in the Park

As predicted, the weather has turned foul over night.  so, with no prospect of a walk around the countryside this morning, here are a few pictures from yesterday's stroll around Shipley Hill, Cinder Hill and Mapperley Reservoir.
Both ends of the social spectrum were to be seen on our walk - and I'm not just referring to the people we met.  The plants too ranged from Gypsies to Lords as we shall see.  The plant known as Gypsywort (Lycopus europaeus) belongs to the same family as the Mints and closer inspection reveals the familial similarities.
At the 'top end' of the social spectrum,  we come to Lords and Ladies (Arum maculatum).  Having enjoyed the flowers earlier in the year, the fruits of these wonderful plants are now adding their bright orange colour to the dark of the woodland floor, standing out like small beacons in the gloom.
The heavy shade in Mapperley Wood was most welcome on such a warm day and the dappled light filtering through the tree tops was casting its rays on the woodland floor - as well as the Lords and Ladies.

1 comment:

  1. I think your Lords and Ladies are close to our Jack in the pulpits. In the arum family.
