Saturday 28 September 2013


Thankfully, the weather has been a lot better these last couple of days, so yesterday, we set out for a walk around Shipley Hill and on to Osborne's Pond, before returning via the Woodside Nature reserve.  Down at the pond, the blue skies were reflected in the calm waters and everything was colourful and bright.
Even the slight disturbance of a small group of Mallards fighting over a few crumbs of bread, didn't detract from the scene.  This morning, after doing the week's shopping, we thought it was too nice to stay indoors, so we took a walk along the old mineral railway lines and through Head House Farm before returning through the estate.  Just before we got back to the housing estate, we walked up a green lane which just 70 years ago, was a through route to Parker's Bridge, a crossing over the Nutbrook Canal.  At the spot where the bridge once stood, there is still a footbridge and it was from there, that we stood looking for the Water Voles which have taken up residence there.  In the sunshine, there is surely nothing nicer.

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