Wednesday 18 September 2013

Cami de Cavalls

A footpath runs all around the island of Menorca.  Called the Cami de Cavalls (horse track), it was originally used as a means of circumnavigating the island, looking out for invaders and warning the locals.  Now completely re-opened after 400 years of dilapidation, it provides the intrepid walker some fine views of the coast.  We took the path south from where we were staying, along the west coast, down to the view point at the far south-west corner of the island.
Walking along the path was a little tricky as the rocky terrain made things a bit tough on the feet. We passed a few ancient monuments on the way, including some reconstructed Bronze-age buildings.
Our walk took us about five miles to the Cap d'Atrutx, a lighthouse and restaurant with great views.
After a ten minute rest on a bench, looking at the sea, we turned our tired feet back 'home', braving the rocks - not good for Malcolm's dodgy knee!  It was nice to get back for a glass of wine on the balcony to watch the sun set.

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