Monday 15 July 2013

Well, Well, Well!

We thought we would indulge in a little pagan tradition this morning, and with the sun still shining and temperatures soaring, we set out for the nearby village of West Hallam to see their annual display of Well Dressings.
With the origins of this tradition somewhat lost in the mists of time, it is thought the practice of decorating village wells with floral offerings, is either a pagan way of giving thanks to the gods for the water, or as a method of giving thanks for clean water during the Black Death in the 14th Century.
Either way, the decorative displays seem to have separated themselves from the village wells and now are just a way of entertaining passers-by and, judging by the small collection boxes set up beside each one, a way of making money for various reasons.  They also often commemorate local clubs, foundations and societies.  This one marking the West Hallam Cricket Club.
From the village centre, we had a brief stroll round the parish church and enjoyed the cool shade of the Lime-lined path up to the church yard.  St. Wilfrid's church is over 700 years old and the village itself was mentioned as being in full swing by the time of the Domesday Book in 1086.

1 comment:

  1. It's interesting to think that a tradition can be so old that nobody remembers how it started.
