Wednesday 5 June 2013


Yesterday's sunshine and warm temperatures meant a longer walk around Mapperley Village and Reservoir.  The Bluebells are still in bloom - amazing at this time of year - but our attention was drawn to a family of Canada Geese on the bank of the reservoir.
The two adults were rightly very proud of their five goslings and also protective of them, but they were all taking as much delight in the good weather as we were.
The Reservoir itself was a scene of tranquility.
Hawthorn blossom is everywhere it the moment and their scent fills the air.
To finish with yesterday's walk, just a couple of pictures of the landscape, looking across the buttercup-filled fields towards Shipley Hill.  The Cow Parsley makes a nice foreground.
The next picture shows part of the path which we took on our way back home.  The Highland Cattle which are usually to be found in the field here, were missing yesterday.

1 comment:

  1. Nice shots. It's odd that your hawthorns bloomed earlier than ours, but ours are setting fruit and yours are still blooming.
