Saturday 18 May 2013


With our weather remaining dull, cold and very dreary, I thought we would try to brighten things a little with some floral colour from Shipley Park.  The Rhododendrons are of course the most colourful of the lot.
Almost every colour from the purest white, through soft pinks and yellows, to the darkest reds and magenta, these wonderfully showy bushes are always good value, even when the weather is being unkind to them.
From a distance, they make a lovely show, but looking closely, their individual blooms do not disappoint either.
We shouldn't neglect the more lowly plants.  Looking down the ground, the Forget-me-nots are beginning to cover the ground with their powder-blue flowers.
There, that's brightened things a bit - hasn't it?

1 comment:

  1. Our rhododendron buds are just starting to show color here and there.
